“We are only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination”
Have you ever wondered why, despite all your efforts your emotional problems fail to heal?
You might think you have tackled the problem but it hasn’t really gone away. The reason is because these stubborn emotional conditions such as : depression, anxiety, fears, lack of confidence, loneliness, eating disorders and much more remain deep rooted, dragging you further and further down. All examples of emotional imbalances require a much deeper method of healing in order to cure.
They refuse to go away as they have only been treated on a superficial level. Hypnotherapy can help significantly usually when other things haven’t worked. In recent years Hypnotherapy has become an accepted medical treatment to address a wide variety of issues and conditions.
Hypnotherapy is the most powerful method yet developed to reach the deep level of a persons subconscious mind to enable them to live fuller, happier more successful lives.
Hypnotherapy provides a dynamic approach to understanding and healing the roots of a problem.
Many kinds of evidence over a long period of time has only proven the effectiveness of the art of hypnotic procedures.
Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT™)
RTT is a scientific hybrid of several different techniques including : hypnosis, regression, NLP, upgrading the child therapy, created by Marisa Peer an English best-selling author, who has over three decades experience as a hypnotherapist, trainer and international speaker.
I have been absolutely fascinated with her method.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work, or how many hours you put in, if you don’t change your beliefs and programming in your subconscious mind, the results will remain the same from one year to the next.
RTT™ delivers rapid and permanent change in a single session, although some clients and some issues may need up to 3 sessions. RTT™ works by discovering the root cause and reason for a clients disorder, a method that truly empowers clients. It breaks the chain of destructive habits, brings peace of mind to those distracted by the perplexities of life and strengthens the weakness, and brings people in to more clear state. Rewire your subconscious mind for success and a life that you really deserve.
Is time to open unlimited possibilities, unlimited resources, unlimited you and unlimited abundance beyond your greatest dreams and your life will instantly become a fascinating journey.

Rapid Transformation Therapy (RTT™)
Is a scientific hybrid of several different techniques as : hypnosis, regression, NLP, upgrading the child therapy created by Marisa Peer an English best-selling author, who has over three decades experience as a hypnotherapist, trainer and international speaker.
I have been absolutely fascinated with her method.
It doesn’t not matter how hard you work, or how many hours you put in, if you don’t change your believes and programming in your subconscious mind the results will remain the same from one year to the next.
RTT™ delivers rapid and permanent change in a single session, although some clients and some issue need it up to 3 sessions. RTT™ works by discovering the roots, cause also the reason for client disorder, method that truly empowers clients. It breaks the chain of destructive habits, brings peace of mind to those distracted by the perplexities of life and strengthens the weakness brings people in to more clear state. Rewire your subconscious mind for success and life that you really deserve it.
Is time to open unlimited possibilities, unlimited resources, unlimited you and unlimited abundance beyond your greatest dreams and your life will instantly become a fascinating journey.

Past Life Regression Therapy
Past life therapy is based on the model of reincarnation and karma. However a belief in past life or reincarnation is not necessary to therapy work. The concept of reincarnation is an integral part of 80% of the religious systems which provide a way to balance cause and effect, resolve the unfinished businesses of the past and allow a soul to grow spiritually.
Exploration of past life memory reveals at least four levels of meaning.
It’s very pleasing and interesting to explore the past to see ourselves as a farmer, warrior, actress or poor servant. At this level it is just a tour through time.
The second level is therapeutic, clients uncover emotionally painful moments and traumatic events in other lifetimes that continue to cause problems in this life. Some physical conditions of illnesses are eased or eliminated also emotional conflicts see easily resolved.
The third level is a direct experience of spiritual reality. It’s a spiritual journey of the soul in a human body.
Another level of past life regression is a transpersonal experience of being. The power of forgiveness, catharsis plus wisdom gained from the past life and understanding which brings immediate and permanent relief of present life problems. That’s why past life regression is so powerful and safe to process for a client with rapid and lasting results.
Heal Your Inner Child
Each one of us has a child within us and we often spend most of the time yelling to that child in ourselves then we wonder when our lives don’t work. If you have a friend who is always criticizing you, would you want to be around that person?
Who is your inner child?
Your inner child is that beautiful, innocent, intuitive, fun-filled child that just wants to play, create and use their imagination. They are part of us that remains in us to have a fun and not take things to seriously and lighten up our life. But somewhere they end up as unheard, left out, scared.
It’s also the part of us that is unhealed from emotional wounds and traumas from the past.
We based our present life on our early messages and accepted what people around us tell us is true.
Locked into the trauma from childhood we continue to react to old fearful programming that can make us feel helpless, worthless, and powerless and blocked from living a fulfilling life.
We know that coping, whether by denial or forgetting painful experiences does not resolve trauma. The body is prepared to respond immediately and unconsciously often acting illogical and leading to destructive behavior in adult life when we are locked into our past. The past cannot be changed but the future is shaped by our current thinking and decisions we are making now.
Sometimes the best of who you are is left behind in the past, inner child therapy will deal with your lost, repressed and denied parts of yourself bringing them in to consciousness balance and harmony. Giving you a chance to relive your past and recover with compassion and understanding. Thus releases the destructive pattern so you can live in the present adult life and live the life you deserve.
Heal your inner child
Each one of us has a child within us and we often spend most of the time yelling of that child in ourselves then we wonder when our life’s don’t work. If you had a friend who is always criticizing you, would you want to be around that person?
Who is your inner child?
Your inner child is that beautiful, innocent, intuitive, fun-filled child that just wants to play, create and use their imagination. There are part of us that’s remains us to have a fun and not take things to seriously and lighten up our life. But somewhere they end up as unheard, left out, scared.
It’s also part of us that is unhealed from emotional wound and traumas from the past.
We based our present life on our early messages and accepted what people around us tell is true.
Looked into the trauma from childhood we continue to react to old fearful programming that can make us feel helpless, worthless, and powerless and blocked from fulfilling life we can live.
We know that coping be denial or forgetting painful experiences does not resolve trauma. The body is prepare to respond immediately and unconsciously often acting illogical and leading to destructive behavior in adult life then we are looked in to our past. The past cannot be change the future is shaped by our current thinking and decisions we are making now.
Sometimes the best of who you are is left behind in the past, inner child therapy will deal with your lost, repressed and denied parts of yourself bringing them in to consciousness balance and harmony. Give you a chance to reliving your past and recovering with compation and understanding. The releases destructive pattern to be in the present adult life and live the life you deserve it.
Parts Therapy
Parts therapy is a great technique based on a concept that our personality is composed of a number of various parts. Our personality parts are aspects of the subconscious mind and represents functions of the inner mind. We tend to wear different hats as we walk throughout our life. Inner conflict occurs when different parts of our subconscious mind pull us in opposite directions.
The purpose of parts therapy is to call out conflicting parts and discover the causes of a problem then release them and bring inner harmony. The hypnotic state makes it easier to communicate with each of the parts and reduce the risks involved of an analytical conscious mind.
Gestalt Therapy
Gestalt therapy or the empty chair technique. Originally was develop by Fritz Perls. One of the major areas of emphasis is the idea of enhancing of awareness. Awareness brings our thing from the past and future to the present moment so we experience in a present moment aliveness and our body, here and now. The second aspect of dialogue is responsibility, this refers to the individual taking responsibility for his or her own life rather then blaming others.
People with unfinished business often resent the past and because of this are unable to focus on the here and now. Another goal of Gestalt therapy is to help people to work through their unfinished business and bring closure. The word, gestalt ‘’ can be defined as, unified, and whole ‘’and it’s about facilitating a client to integrate themselves as a whole person and help restore balance in their environment.
Gestalt therapy
Gestalt therapy or the empty chair technique. Originally was develop by Fritz Perls, one of the major areas of emphasis is idea of enhancing of awareness. Awareness brings our thing from the past and future to the present moment so we experience in a present moment aliveness and our body, here and now. Second aspect of dialogue is responsibility, this refers to the individual taking responsibility for his or her own life rather then blaming others.
People with unfinished business often resent the past and because of this are unable to focus on the here and now. Another goals of Gestalt therapy is to help people work through their unfinished business and bring closure. The word, gestalt ‘’ can be defined as, unified, and whole ‘’and it’s about facilitating client to integrate themselves as whole person and help restore balance in their environment.
How hypnosis works?
Hypnosis works with the subconscious part of the mind, during the process of hypnosis the conscious mind moves aside and critical faculties is bypassed allowing the subconscious mind to become receptive to positive suggestions for change where they grow and cause incredible changes.