Healing the trauma.

Becoming whole again
Trauma is an often untreated cause of human suffering, debilitating symptoms that many people suffer from the aftermath of perceived life -threatening or overwhelming experiences. The symptoms of a post -traumatic event can significantly impact on a persons daily life. In most cases the symptoms develop during the first month after the traumatic experience but in the majority of cases it might be delayed for months or even years before symptoms start to appear.
Re-experiencing is the most typical symptom of trauma in form of flashbacks, nightmares or physical pain. Very often the person is repeatedly asking themselves questions that would prevent them from traumatic events.
Hypnotherapy is a highly effective treatment for releasing trauma because it goes to the roots of the symptoms.
Hypnotherapy cannot erase traumatic events but can allow access directly to visit the traumatic event where it can be examined in such a way that long behavioral patterns can be released and transformed.
Regression can be successfully used to help a person process traumatic memory and work through the past event reliving mentally and emotionally but in this present time.
30 minutes FREE consultation!