Unlock the secret of true weight loss.

“You are what you repeatedly do”
– Aristotle
The weight loss trap
97% of people who pay money to loose weight in less than two years gain weight again. In 2017 a study found that obesity now drives more early preventable deaths in the US then smoking. The weight loss industry is worth over 90 billion dollars, selling everything from diet pills to meal plans to an exclusive gym membership.
However diets don’t work!
In fact creates self-denial, causing you to feel miserable, thinking nonstop about food, struggling all day long. Diets generally promote a drastic cut in the quantities of food consumed, sometimes even to the point of temporary starvation. Diets suppress your appetite and the more you try to resist something the more you desire it. Diets work on the body only but not on the mind.
Why people overeat?
For most of people eating is a just a practice to satisfy hunger. However some people eat to get away from stress or depression or some other underlying problem.
The famous plastic surgeon Dr Maxwell Maltz found that after his operations many of his patients their self-esteem did not improve at all. Dr Maltz concluded that they were scarred on the inside, even after successful plastic surgery they still did not see any results. Patients saw themselves as unworthy and hopeless, in other words they had a poor self-image. Positive image is crucial while you working on your weight problem. When you live and feel like you are truly a slim person you find it extremely easy to eat sensibly and control your weight. Controlling your weight isn’t really learning something new. It is about re-learning the knowledge your body was born with but which your conscious mind may have decided for lots of social reasons to override .
How your mind can help your body?
The key to successful weight loss is to make the mind and body work together. Until we change the subconscious mind will power works only temporary.
Overeating is a habit of action run by our thoughts process.
When we change a habit of thinking the action goes away forever and achieve your positive results.
How you succeed with hypnotherapy?
- Achieve your goals for ideal weight
- Change your eating habits and thinking patterns permanently.
- Start to live your life again and live happy free of stress and lack of self esteem
- You will develop new and better way of a healthy life style.
You have nothing to loose apart from weight.
30 minutes FREE consultation!